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Low FODMAP Sunshine Breakfast Bowl

A smiling woman sitting down to eat a healthy green salad.
Low FODMAP Sunshine Breakfast Bowl Featured Image

Starting your day with a little bit of citrus and coconut is the perfect way to brighten your morning!

Often it is seen that following a Low FODMAP diet requires elimination of foods you love. But I’m here to tell you that – portion size is everything! You don’t need to sacrifice your favourite flavours with the correct portion sizes. Having too much of a fruit or vegetable can trigger symptoms. But it doesn’t mean you need to eliminate them altogether.

Coconut bowl filled with fruit and flowers

Love this low FODMAP recipe as much as we do? Our collection of low FODMAP recipes were created to help you navigate the low FODMAP diet. Many of our patients have tried implementing the low FODMAP diet on their own. However, this diet should be conducted with the support of a registered dietitian. At Ignite Nutrition we offer one-on-one nutrition counselling to help you start on the low FODMAP diet with guidance.

You can still have lots of freedom in the kitchen by following a Low FODMAP diet. By being conscious of portion sizes, fiber intake, and substitutions, there’s no need to sacrifice your favourite foods or breakfast meals. Happy cooking!

Coconut bowl filled with fruit and flowers
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Low FODMAP Sunshine Breakfast Bowl

Easy citrus and coconut bowl
Prep Time2 minutes
Servings: 1


  • 1/4 cup passionfruit
  • 1/4 cup diced pineapple
  • 1/2 cup coconut yogurt
  • 2 tbsp hemp seeds


  • Grab your favourite bowl and spoon your coconut yogurt on the bottom
  • Cut a passionfruit in half and layer on top of yogurt
  • Decorate the bowl with diced pineapple and finish off with a sprinkle of hemp seeds


Tip: Check out the Monash App to see up to date portion size information, so you can incorporate more of your favorite foods into your meals!
Coconut bowl filled with fruit and flowers

*Written by Jacqui Baker Nutrition Student from University of Alberta

Categorized: Breakfast, Dairy-Free, Gluten-Free, Healthy Eating, Low FODMAP, Nut-Free, Vegan

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