Nutrition and Non-Celiac Wheat Sensitivity
There is no doubt that gluten, wheat, and carbs as a whole have been getting a bad reputation in the media. For those with celiac disease, it is medically necessary…
Negative for celiac disease - but still have symptoms when eating wheat? Our dietitians can help both adult and pediatric patients.
Many patients have tested negative for celiac disease and are left with the ‘ok – but now what’ feeling. Non-celiac wheat sensitivity (or gluten sensitivity as known in the media) is a condition that is often poorly understood – leaving patients unsure of what to do after a negative celiac screen.
Struggling with digestive symptoms and no answers? We can help you with that.
Non-celiac wheat sensitivity is poorly understood. Our dietitians are experts in digestive disorders and can help you get to the bottom of your symptoms, helping you to live with the most liberalized approach to food possible!
Everyone’s journey with non-celiac wheat sensitivity is different.
At Ignite, we have a whole toolkit of options to better understand what is going on. Our adult & pediatric dietitians can help with:
At Ignite we take an evidence based, step-wise approach to understand your digestive symptoms, including:
Use the power of nutrition to manage symptoms and improve digestive health.
The gut-brain connection - learn what it is, and how you can improve it.
Non-pharmacological & prescription.
Keeping those gut bacteria healthy & happy.
In our 1-hour comprehensive initial assessment, we take a detailed history, diving deep into understanding your symptoms. Our goal is to understand the underlying issue so we can solve it.
Many times, gluten sensitivities are misdiagnosed, and patients actually have a carbohydrate intolerance that was missed. We work to get to the bottom of whether you have an intolerance, or sensitivity. To learn more about the difference between the two, check out our blog post on non-celiac wheat sensitivity here.
From there, we will create a road-map of your care, both personalized and practical to help you learn to take care of your health from a place of intuition, empowerment and knowledge, build healthy habits, and fuel your body positively. We’re with you every step of the way.
Typically we start with a food first, medication second approach often using a modified low FODMAP diet and other evidence based strategies.
The low FODMAP diet has been shown to help up to 75% of patients improve their digestive symptoms – and often times, non celiac wheat sensitivity is actually a fructan intolerance.
Please note this approach may not be best suited for your symptoms, so we will tailor our nutrition recommendations to your individual case.
After the first month we focus on determining – is it the carbohydrate, or something else in the wheat causing your symptoms? We reintroduce foods in a strategic way to determine if your gluten sensitivity is really gluten/wheat, or is really a fructan intolerance.
Once we’ve determined if you have a sensitivity or intolerance, we can put a plan in place to feel good long term. We want you to live the healthiest life you ACTUALLY enjoy, with as much food freedom as possible! This may mean a wheat-free diet long term, or may allow you to consume some wheat-based products.
Our goal is to get you feeling 70-80% better, 70-80% of the time within the first month.
This package is designed for anyone worried about or previously diagnosed with non-celiac wheat sensitivity, IBS, or a functional gut disorder requiring the low FODMAP diet and our 4 Pillar Plan™ to help with management. Our specially designed 12-16 week program will help you feel in control of your symptoms in no time!
Please note, other packages and a la carte (per appointment) are available here.