Ignite Nutrition
Ignite Nutrition
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personalized nutrition counselling with Canada's Top Digestive Health Dietitians!

Our top digestive disorder dietitians are recognized across Canada for their outstanding patient care. Located in Calgary, and offering counselling across Canada, we can help you with your digestion. We specialize in offering nutrition-based solutions for all digestive disorders and all ages - pediatric to adult!

  1. Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS)

    Take control of your digestive issues with the low FODMAP diet and our 4 Pillar Plan™.

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  2. Digestive Disorders

    We specialize in offering nutrition-based solutions for all digestive disorders - from reflux to liver disease, to IBD.

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  3. Women’s Health

    Our dietitians are specialized in providing nutritional counselling for the treatment of PCOS, amenorrhea, hormonal issues, and fertility.

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  4. Food Relationship

    Our relationship with food can be complicated. End the food guilt and feel amazing about your nutrition.

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  5. Health Management

    We can help you eat healthier and improve your nutrition for everything from exercise, allergies, healthy living, and more!

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Ditch the Diet and

Spark Your Journey to a Healthier Life

Ready to Ignite Your Nutrition?

We look beyond your nutrition to empower healthy habits in all areas of your life.

latest blog article

Decadent Low FODMAP Chocolate Banana Cookies

Chocolate lovers, this recipe is for you! These low FODMAP cookies are ooey gooey and decadent. Plus, with only 7 ingredients, they are incredibly easy to make. This recipe makes a small batch of only 8 cookies – perfect for those days when you just want a little something sweet…


latest blog article

Pesticides in Our Food – Does the Dose Really Make the Poison?

When you hear the word ‘chemicals’ what do you think of? Danger? Poison? Harm?The word is frequently wielded by social media influencers as a way to instill fear about scientific developments or ‘man-made’ food, medication, and pesticides. So what exactly are ‘chemicals’, and why does a deeper understanding of them…
