February 1-7 is eating disorders awareness week 2018 (EDAW). One of our CORE tenants at Ignite is a Health at Every Size philosophy. As well as focusing on food relationship. We work regularly with intuitive eating, disordered eating, food relationship, and binge eating disorders or EDNOS (eating disorder not otherwise specified).
There are SO many great activities going on in Calgary, Edmonton & Red Deer for this years EDAW. You can join in the fun & see all the activities here.
I’m joining in on the fun myself. Meeting up with my FAVORITE body image gals from The Body Love Society.
What a great way to meet awesome people!
For our business project, we’ve decided to host an Instagram event the week of EDAW. Focused on the areas we practice in.
7 Days of Instagram Posts to Assess Your Personal Weight & Health Biases
You asked for MORE food relationship stuff on my Instagram account this year. I’m BRINGING it to you. with my own personal spin on Eating Disorders Awareness week!
For 7 days, I will be posting on @andreahardyrd’s Instagram to guide you through assessing your personal weight and health biases!
I want YOU to take 5 minutes to visit my Instagram account each day from February 1-7. To assess YOUR personal weight and health biases.
What we do as a culture is fuelling the rise in disordered eating, body dissatisfaction, and women and men feeling like they’re just not enough. Because of how their bodies look.
By better understanding your personal biases, you can CHOOSE to step out of diet culture. If the $60 billion dollar diet industry has no one to sell to, no one buying into their marketing tactics – we can being to shift the ways in which we measure our self worth.
What I want you to do now:
1) Follow @andreahardyrd (that’s me!) I STRONGLY recommend turning on the post notifications for my account. At least for the week – so you don’t miss one. The other option is to set calendar reminders to check my account each day! (Hint: If you like and comment on my photos, Instagram is also more likely to show them to you. So give me some social media love and you may not even need post notifications!)
2) In your CALENDAR – block off 5 MIN each day between Feb 1-7. Set an ALARM to remind you to take part.
3) Send a family member or friend the links to participate, or tag them in one of my posts!
You can ALSO check out @EatingDSNA for amazing events in our city!
? NOTE: The challenge will ONLY be up for 7 days. You won’t be able to come back to it after EDAW is over – so be SURE to participate! ?
Look forward to building awareness around your weight and health biases the first week of Feb!
Categorized: Food Relationship