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Dietitians as Gut Health Ambassadors

A smiling woman sitting down to eat a healthy green salad.
Dietitians as Gut Health Ambassadors Featured Image

Guys. This is not my usual post. Today, I’m sharing with you my interview with Gut Microbiota for Health. I attended their conference in Rome in March, and spoke to a group of dietitians in a plenary session on dietitians and their role as gut health ambassadors.

There were over 80 dietitians and gastroenterologists from around the world, in my session – and I was SO nervous! I was the last talk of the day, and shared with my colleagues how we can connect with patients to get them thinking about their gut health in wellness, and in disease.

Get a glimpse of my gut health interview here:

If you have a GI disorder – like IBS, Crohn’s, colitis, or are interested in reducing your risk of developing GI conditions, like colorectal cancer – working with one of our trained dietitians at Ignite is a great place to start.

Learn more about working with our dietitians here.

Categorized: Gut Health & IBS

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