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Ashley Turner

Registered Dietitian

Green vegetables, nuts and fruit smoothies spread across a kitchen table.

About Ashley Turner

Hi! I’m Ashley!

I have a Bachelor of Science (B.Sc.) in Human Nutritional Sciences from the University of Manitoba, and completed my internship through the Moncton Hospital Graduate Dietetic Internship Program. I am registered with the College of Dietitians of Alberta and the Saskatchewan Dietitians Association and can see patients across Canada, except in Ontario, PEI, and Quebec. I work with babies, children, teens, and adults!

I help people make meaningful and sustainable changes towards their health goals, with a plan that fits. In my experience, individuals think working with a dietitian means stress around big changes, an overhaul of their food choices, or a super restrictive diet… that’s not me! I want to hear your story, support you with every step along the way, and remove the uncertainty around food and nutrition. Then we can build on what is working and troubleshoot what isn’t. I want you to feel confident to reach your own personalized nutrition and health goals.

The same goes for my pediatric patients, I understand that food and nutrition can have even more pressure and concern for you as a caregiver. My approach is to not only provide nutrition care but compassion to the individuals I am working with, helping you to feel confident to reach your little one's nutrition and health needs.

For Pediatrics, I specialize in:

  • Constipation & Encopresis
  • Digestive Disorders like IBS, IBD, EoE, GERD / Reflux
  • Cow's Milk Protein Allergy & Milk Soy Protein Intolerance (MSPI)
  • Feeding families
  • Fuelling kids & teens for sport
  • Transition to solids
  • Picky eating

For Adults, I specialize in:

  • IBS & other functional digestive disorders
  • Digestive disorders like Microscopic Colitis, IBD, Diverticulitis, Bile Acid Diarrhea, Gastroparesis, SIBO, EoE
  • Constipation & Diarrhea
  • GERD / Reflux / Heartburn
  • Celiac Disease & Non-Celiac Wheat Sensitivity
  • Chronic disease and general health management
  • Fatty Liver Disease (NAFLD) and other liver diseases
  • PCOS and Women's Health
  • Hypothyroidism & Hashimoto's Thyroiditis
  • Planning for Pregnancy & Nutrition in/post Pregnancy
  • Vegetarian / Vegan Diets
  • Intuitive Eating & Food Relationship
  • Meal Prep & Planning

I am passionate about nutrition and its role in helping you live a happy healthy life. I am a firm believer that all food fits and food should never be confusing or associated with guilt. I want to work together to help you navigate through all the nutrition information (and misinformation) to remove the stress out of food and nutrition.

Let’s work together to help you feel empowered with a plan that fits YOU. I look forward to connecting with you!

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Posts written by Ashley Turner

Learn how to take care of mom and baby's microbiome - and important part of immune development and health through their lives! | Calgary dietitian Sarah O'Hara guest posts on Ignite Nutrition Blog about gut health in pregnancy

Microbiome in Pregnancy

April 16, 2018

Can I just take a second to introduce my AMAZING colleague, Sarah O’Hara, RD? She runs a private practice here in Calgary specializing in prenatal and PCOS nutrition. When she suggested writing a blog post on the microbiome and pregnancy…

Pregnant or thinking about getting pregnant? Here are the top 10 nutrients for a health pregnancy. For more support work with one of our registered dietitians at Ignite Nutrition in Calgary, Alberta

Top 10 Nutrients for a Healthy Pregnancy

May 24, 2021

Whether you’ve just found out you’re pregnant or are planning on getting pregnant soon, it’s never too early to start thinking about your nutrition. Research now shows that your nutrition while pregnant not only affects your child throughout their lifetime, but it may actually affect your future grandchildren as well.

Do you have a child struggling with constipation? Our paediatric dietitian discusses constipation in children and how nutrition can help!

Nutrition for Constipated Kids

May 11, 2020

Chronic constipation affects 15-30% of Canadians with the majority being children and the elderly. Only a small portion of parents actually seek medical support for their kids. At Ignite Nutrition our Pediatric Dietitian is an expert in digestive disorders and pediatric nutrition. It is common to find a lot of…

Need help starting solids with your baby? Our pediatric dietitian at Ignite Nutrition in Calgary, Alberta can help!

Starting Solids With Your Baby

April 26, 2021

Starting your baby with solid foods is an exciting time! But we have a lot of parents ask questions like: When is the right time?How do I know what foods to feed my baby?How do I know how much food my baby needs?How often do I feed them?Should I try…